Today we will see “How to Transfer files between local and server using a remote desktop connection?”. Remote Desktop Protocol is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft which provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection. The user employs RDP client software for this purpose, while the other computer must run RDP server software. There is many several ways to do this. let’s go.
Open Remote Desktop Connection Console
Now hit the windows key
Let’s type “Remote Desktop Connection” and press enter.
It will open The Remote Desktop Connection Console.
Connect with Server
Enter your server IP address along with the port in Computer Field.
Now, before you click on the Connect button, click on the Show Options button on the bottom left of the window.
In the Username, Field Type your server Username.
Open Local Resources option
After this click on the Local Resource tab.
At the Local Resources tab, click on the More button
ADD Drive
Now Select The Drive Option and Expend it by Clicking “+” button.
Now Choose your Drive From the list and don’t forget to click the checkbox.
That’s it, Now you can Transfer Files between your PC and Server