Search does not work in Windows Server- How to Fix

February 19, 2023

Hello everyone, today we will discuss “Search does not work in Windows Server- How to Fix“. If the search for Windows does not work 10 times, this can have several causes. We’ll tell you what you can do about it here.

With the Windows 10 Search, Microsoft can search for programs, files, or folders. Without the search, it can be tedious. If you no longer get any feedback from the search or it is completely frozen, we will show you here what you can do.

The search bar no longer works after Windows Update 1903

Updating your Windows operating system can also be a possible cause of errors. A bug in the Windows Update KB4512941 manifests itself, for example, in the fact that a CPU utilization of 44% is generated by Cortana in the Task Manager, but the search field remains black. An intervention in the registration helps here, since the Bing search may have been deactivated as part of the update. In the following Step-by-step instructions we will show you how to proceed.

Press the key combination [ Windows ] + [ R ], to the Registration editor to call. Now type “regedit” and then click “OK“.

Then follow the path: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Search” and add the following registry entries: “AllowCortana” = dword: 00000000“, “BingSearchEnabled “ = dword: 00000001” and “CortanaConsent “ = dword: 00000000“. First make one for new entries Right click and then go to “New” and “DWORD_WERT ( 32-bit )“. If the entries already exist, you can also change them. For the 5th. February 2020 problem with the Windows 10 search also set “BingSearchEnabled “ = dword:00000000″ instead of as described above 00000001.


Do one Right click on the entry “SearchboxTaskbarMode” and choose “Change“. If this key does not yet exist, you must recreate it. To do this, right-click in the right window and select “New” > “DWORD value” ( REG_DWORD ). Enter as the key name “SearchboxTaskbarMode


Change the value of “0” ( hidden ) on “1” ( symbol ) or “2nd” ( search field ). Restart your PC so that the changes become active.




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